STUDIO EMF est un studio de création de contenu et de communication digitale créée par Manuel HERNANDEZ et Kostia PETIT.

La démarche de Studio EMF est de proposer à ses clients un concept créatif sur-mesure articulé sur 3 axes majeurs : le pôle Studio, le pôle Conseil et le pôle Média.
Situé à Paris, nos secteurs de prédilection sont les domaines de la mode, des cultures urbaines et du luxe.

Manuel HERNANDEZ – 29 ans – Consultant marketing online

Diplômé du Master en Marketing, option e-business, de l’ESC TOULOUSE (promotion 2006), j’ai acquis une double expertise marketing et e-business grâce à mes différentes expériences en agence et chez l’annonceur.

Aussi bien à l’aise avec les aspects marketing, technique et gestion de projet, j’ai développé une solide expertise sur des problématiques d’acquisition de trafic (SEO, SEM, SMO) et d’animation de communautés online.

Kostia PETIT – 29 ans – Photographe réalisateur

Kostia Petit is a french artist deeply involved in photography, painting and film creation.

Recently, he directed and produced his first feature as an independent filmmaker. After having spent more than one year and a half editing the film to his specifications, he is now submitting « NEUF MOIS ( Film Primaire ) » to various festivals in order to give it life.

Namely that most of his photography or painting exhibitions are linked with his films and its characters, Kostia Petit worked the last two years on his paintings using the same theme as « NEUF MOIS ( Film Primaire ) ». For his next exhibition he is also working on other media as sculpture, architecture and video-screening to create an innovative exhibition concept which will be showed soon.

In photography, Kostia Petit is specializing in black and white portraits. He has captured images of many french movie stars and very important people for the famous Studio Harcourt Paris from Monté Carlo to Geneva to Tokyo…